Niche Beauty
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The Niche Beauty Advent Calendar 2024

Clean & Conscious SUSANNE KAUFMANN


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 An idyllic mountain landscape in Vorarlberg, Austria. Between mountains, forests and green meadows of the Bregenzerwald lies the Hotel Post in Bezau by Susanne Kaufmann. The puristic and clear design of the Spa Hotel blends in perfectly with its surroundings and is uniquely beautiful.

The hotel has been in existence since 1850 and was gradually lovingly renovated by Susanne Kaufmann and her brother Oskar Leo Kaufmann, a famous architect. The consistent reduction to the essentials is reflected in all rooms of the hotel. The rooms are simple and clear and yet have an eye for detail. The spa area is bright and has a lot of glass through where the sun shines in, creating a warm atmosphere. Outside there is the swimming pool, which is surrounded by wooden planks. On the white designer sun beds you have a wonderful view of the mountains


It is precisely this inspiring environment that helped Susanne Kaufmann to develop Susanne Kaufmann organic treats in 2003. Early on she was fascinated by the idea of using the intensive effects of the alpine plant world in a modern way for beauty, health and well-being. The line includes a care system for all skin types, an anti-aging line and a large selection of concentrates, tea, body oils and bath oils. In addition to the exceptionally simple and beautiful design of the products, the ingredients are particularly outstanding. All products consist of valuable natural essences and oils, which leave an effective effect on our skin and are extracted from the environment. Even the production takes place in Austria and guarantees genuine natural cosmetics, which are wonderfully well tolerated by all skin types. New is Susanne Kaufmann's hair care line, which our Niche Beauty customers already love - the ingenious Repair Shampoo was sold out within a few days. A real bestseller is the soothing pillow spray that gives pleasure and a good night's sleep all year round. We guarantee you: you will become addicted and wake up rested the next morning...


This unique overall combination of content and design helped Susanne Kaufmann to worldwide success. From New York to London, from Hamburg to Bezau: organic treats convinced Susanne Kaufmann. The Telegraph London chose Susanne Kaufmann as one of the Cult Beauty Brands.

We were allowed to ask Susanne Kaufmann five questions:

Niche Beauty: How would you describe your care line in three words?

Susanne Kaufmann: Innovative, functional and sensitive.

N.B.: Her exceptionally beautiful products are now a worldwide success. Does this surprise you?

S.K.: Yes, we didn't expect it and only a few years ago we started to present our packaging and other tools in English and German. Why? Natural cosmetics is a very present topic in German-speaking countries and it surprised me that Asia or Italy have such a strong demand. The cosmetics market is very strongly controlled by advertising, for me it was something special to get worldwide recognition without this advertising, but above all about the quality and effectiveness of our products.

N.B.: Where do you get your inspiration for new products from?

S.K.: The demands of our skin have changed rapidly in recent years, allergies are on the rise, the stresses of our daily lives are increasing from electrosmog to increasing stress, we are getting older and older and still want to look young for a long time. Our products have to take this into account and are constantly improved and new products are developed to meet these demands. Product ideas also often come from our spa staff, who deal directly and daily with the customers.

N.B.: If you want to rediscover the Susanne Kaufmann line for yourself - which products are the absolute must-haves?

S.K.: The nutrient concentrate, because it suits every skin type and how healthy food is for the you always need it. Eye Cream Line A because it works immediately and gives us a radiant look. The body butter because you want to eat it most and now in spring and summer the Detox Oil Peeling because it is the perfect companion to the spring cure.

N.B: Completely new is your developed hair care series. What makes the new products stand out?

S.K.: The aim of the holistic care system is to protect, maintain and restore the health of the hair. The scalp and hair are cleansed and cared for with gentle plant substances. The formulas contain special formulas that start directly at the root. The hair root, the origin of thick and resistant hair, is stimulated and strengthened. All products contain precious silk proteins, they repair the damaged horny layer, moisturize the hair and protect it from harmful environmental influences. The result: visibly well cared for hair, natural volume, easy combing, a velvety feel and wonderful shine.


We thank Susanne Kaufmann for the interview.

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